domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Kadosh- Amos Gitai (1) sub castellano

3 comentarios:

Jesús dijo...

Kadosh is a bleak drama about the plight of women in Haredi society. In the opening scene, Meir , a young Talmudic scholar, thanks God in his morning prayers for not being born a woman. At first, the marriage of Meir and his adoring wife, Rivka , appears tender and idyllic, but as the day progresses it becomes clear that Meir is obsessed with the fact that he is childless after ten years of marriage. Rivka's younger sister, Malka, marries Yosef in a match arranged by their parents, but loves Yaakov, a rock singer, who has abandoned the religious community.

Conchi dijo...

Apoyo las películas que pretenden poner en solfa los excesos de los integrismos religiosos (en este caso el judío), centrándose en concreto en las consecuencias nefastas que padecen las mujeres.

Johnny dijo...

Otros que también tienen sometidas a las mujeres.